Welcome to our Slovenian vino!Great artisan wines brought to you straight from the makers in one of the oldest wine countries in the world (since the time of the Celts, long before the Romans).Enter our vinoDirect from the winery to your doorstepAll prices are including VAT and delivery (and customs excise duty inc ase you were wondering), minimum order of 6 bottles, of your choosing, mix and match.Pick your wines hereMeet the makersLearn more about the wines and the makers, their vineyards, winery, history, tradition, philosopy, craftsmanship,Blog
Red wine
Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Merlot or a Refosk or Teran. Blend?
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White wine
Chardonnay, Sauvignon, and local varities like Rebula, Tokaj, Malvazija, Pinela, Zelen,
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